Monday, July 27, 2009

C program function to that will insert a node into a sorted linked list?

Ok I have wrote some code but Im having a hard time understanding whats wrong. Welcome to write your own and help me out. The grades are what to be sorted.

Ok the structure for this node is:

struct node{

double grade;

char profName[20];

int count;

struct node *next;


struct node *insert(struct node *head, struct node *newNode)


struct node *temp, *temp2, *newGrade;

newGrade = temp = NULL;

if(head == NULL)


head = newNode;

head-%26gt;next = NULL;


else if (head-%26gt;next == NULL)


if(head-%26gt;grade %26gt; newNode-%26gt;grade)

head-%26gt;next = newNode;


newNode-%26gt;next = head;

head = newNode;





temp = head-%26gt;next;

temp2 = head;

/* think the issue is here */

while(temp-%26gt;grade %26lt; newNode-%26gt;grade %26amp;%26amp; temp != NULL)


temp = temp-%26gt;next;

temp2 = temp2-%26gt;next;


newNode-%26gt;next = temp;

temp2-%26gt;next = newNode;




C program function to that will insert a node into a sorted linked list?

// I am assuming the linked list is sorted in ascending order

struct node *insert(struct node *head, struct node *newNode)


struct node* temp = head;

struct node* temp2 = head;

if(head == NULL)


newNode-%26gt;next = NULL:

head = newNode;


else if(head-%26gt;grade %26gt; newNode-%26gt;grade)


head = newNode;

newNode-%26gt;next = temp;




while(temp2 != NULL)


temp2 = temp-%26gt;next;

if(temp2 == NULL)


newNode-%26gt;next = NULL;

temp-%26gt;next = newNode;


if(temp2-%26gt;grade %26gt; newNode-%26gt;grade)


temp-%26gt;next = newNode;

newNode-%26gt;next = temp2;

temp2 = NULL;




temp = temp2;




return head;


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