Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How to create a pointer to function in C language?

I need a pointer which can store a function address.The function return is any of data type.Plz explain with example so that i can understand better

How to create a pointer to function in C language?

Consider the following syntax of a function:

return_type function_name(datatype of arguement1,datatype of arguement2,.....)

So the pointer declaration would be:

return_type (*pointer_name)(datatype of arguement1,datatype of arguement2,.....)=defaultvalue;

So if we have a function as

int sum(int)

then a pointer able to store its address would be:

int (*ptr)(int);

To set ptr a default vale to NULL we can also declare it as:

int (*ptr)(int)=NULL;

In order to store address of the function we may write


Also if function is:

int *show(int *,char *,float **)

then ptr which can hold its address would be

int *(*ptr)(int *,char *,float **)=NULL;

Reply:if u wanna create a pointer with variable a use*a it will work
Reply:Just design one. It's more custom and easier. But if you don't have time to make one, go to this site:


Good luck and cheers!

Reply:This page should help.


This was the first result I got when I Googled for "function pointer C". This just goes to prove how easy it is to search the net, and how unnecessary so many questions on Y!Answers are.
Reply:Use *ptr = ptr

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