Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How to fill an array in a function with c++?

how to pass the parameters?

is there any other way without pointer and please help me because I need a function that fill an array

How to fill an array in a function with c++?
Pass it normally, using the correct declaration. That is, if you had char someVar[], pass it to the function as char functionVar[]. Then treat the function argument as you would the real array.

%26gt; is there any other way without pointer

Read http://c-faq.com/aryptr/index.html . There's an equivalence between pointers and arrays in some cases, so that's why you can work with the formal argument like you would with a pointer. Go through the C FAQ I linked to. It's confusing, and takes time to digest.

If you really want to understand C++, you should get a serious book. For C++, it's C++ Primer by Lippman or Accelerated C++ by Koenig (both are suitable for beginners). To understand the C portion of C++, you may want to get yourself K%26amp;R's The C Programming Language.
Reply:you can't modify an array if you pass by value into a function you have to pass by referance. When you pass by value a copy of the array(or any object) is put on the stack( or heap) . The keyword here is copy. I'm sry but you have to pass by reference otherwise you break the rules of encapsulation.

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