Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Find the value c so that the following function is continuous?

f(x) = { (sin2x - 2sinx) / (x^3) , x cannot = 0

f(x) = { c , x=0

this is one function and i need to make is so it is continuous by finding out what c needs to be.... help

Find the value c so that the following function is continuous?
Hospital rule

sin2x = 2sinxcosx


2sinx(cosx-1) / x^3 you need to lim x--%26gt;0

making 0/0 when x=0

so you can use hospital rule

derivate numer. and denom. 3 times until you have no x left at the denominator, than replace the x's on the numerator with 0's.

The number you get than is what c is equal too.

I dont remember derivatives of trigs so i cant do it for you sry heh.
Reply:I examined the graph and saw it jumps at x = 0 as the graph is approaching y = -1

c = -1

lady palm

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