Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why doesn't C support function overloading?

C doesnot supports functionoverloading as it is a procedure oriented system %26amp; prototypes are not mandatory. As prototypes are not mandatory the compiler leads in ambiguity error. Also structuresin c donot ontain member functions. This drawback could be overcomed by using C++.

Why doesn't C support function overloading?
It's old, and didn't include many features we now take for granted. Thus C++ was born! Long live C++!!!
Reply:That's the plusses are for in C++... it's C plus other good stuff.
Reply:Because Kernahan and Ritchie designed it without overloading.
Reply:in structure not use of member function
Reply:'c' language doesn't support for function overloading, because it does't object oriented programming,but

'c++' support for function overloading because oops concepts.

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